Professional licence in dubai

Unlike industrial and commercial licenses, a professional license allows 100% ownership for foreign investors, permitting them the advantages of a sole proprietorship. However, it is mandatory to appoint a UAE national as a local service agent to complete the judicial formalities. The agent does not have any direct involvement in the company, apart from charging a fixed annual fee for the service offered. They will have no equity and are also not liable to pay for the liabilities of the company. One has to approach the Department of Economic Development (DED) to get a professional license as it handles all the activities related to licenses in Dubai.

Professional License

Any individual within a professional field requires a professional license for them to practice their vocation. pro in dubai can help you acquire your license from the authorities with great ease.

A professional license is an assurance or proof that the particular person is qualified to do the work he has been claiming to have the capability in. The license is issued by the government after verifying a number of valid documents. If a group of people in the same field apply for a license to work under a company, it then becomes a civil company. We at Pro help you through the process of applying by guiding you through the right channels to get to your goals.

It should be noted that a foreign investor with a professional license, can have 100% ownership over their investments which is a great advantage, however, it is still necessary to have a local sponsor who has to be paid an annual fee for being the representative. The sponsor does not have any shares in the company. At Pro, we provide a trusted sponsor, if required. We are keen on assisting you in any way possible.

Professional License

  • Medical services
  • Artisanship
  • Printing and publishing
  • Carpentry
  • Beauty salons
  • Computer graphic design service
  • Consultancy service
  • Repair services
  • Security services

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